doc. PhDr. Jana Vojtíšková, Ph.D.
Institute of History

Mgr. Petr Bártík
Mgr. Lucie Barcalová
Mgr. Barbora Herčíková
Mgr. Karolína Kejvalová
Mgr. Michaela Pavlečková
Mgr. Martin Petrus
Mgr. Radek Petřík – webmaster
Mgr. Pavel Tašek
PhDr. Filip Binder – Ph.D. candidate of the Department of 19th Century History, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
Mgr. Radek Bláha – archeologist of Muzeum východních Čech v Hradci Králové
Dr. Marco Cassioli – associate researcher, Telemme Laboratory, University of Aix-Marseille
Dr. Cristian Constantin – Commission for the History of Towns in Romania, Romanian Academy
Dr. Mihai Dragnea – associate researcher, University of South-Eastern Norway
PhDr. Petr Hrachovec, Ph.D. – member of the Department of Early Modern History, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
Mgr. Peter Chlepko, Ph.D. – historian specializing in medieval Upper Hungarian towns.
Mgr. Jiří Just, Ph.D. – researcher at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
PhDr. Josef Kadeřábek, Ph.D. – historian, specialization in cultural history, issues of recatholicization in the early modern period in Bohemia
Mgr. Drahoslav Magdoško, Ph.D. – Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Philosophical Faculty
Mgr. Jitka Močičková – Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Medieval History, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
Mgr. Petr Polehla, Ph.D. – historian of early modern ecclesiastical and urban history
prof. PhDr. Eva Semotanová, DrSc. – researcher and director emeritus of the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
Mgr. Michal Severa – Archive Administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Ing. Jiří Slavík – researcher at the Národní památkový ústav based in Jaroměř
doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Sviták, CSc – Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archival Science, Philosophical Faculty, Masaryk University
PhDr. Robert Šimůnek, Ph.D., DSc. – research employee of the Department of Medieval History; deputy of the head of the Department of Medieval History, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague; member of International Commission for the History of Towns (ICHT)
Mgr. Robert Šrek – Regional museum in Olomouc
Ing. Mgr. Michal Vokurka – Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Early Modern History, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
Mgr. Aleš Vyskočil, Ph.D. – research employee of the Department of 19th Century History (Branch office Brno); Deputy of the head of the Brno branch office of the IH CAS
prof. PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc. – research employee of the Department of Medieval History, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung in Marburg (Deutschland)
Historický ústav Akademie věd České republiky v Praze
Institut für Sächsische Geschichte und Volkskunde in Dresden (Deutschland)
Katedra Histórie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (Slovensko)
Katedra softwareového inženýrství Fakulty informačních technologií ČVUT Praha
Muzeum východních Čech v Hradci Králové
National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, History and Documentation Department
SOkA Hradec Králové
SOkA Kutná Hora
SOkA Svitavy se sídlem v Litomyšli
SOA v Hradci Králové